Saturday, October 17, 2015

BV-170 Testing and Tweaking

Did some BV-170 tweaking. It will become my regular aircraft.

I fixed the altimeter by changing the <z-m> value to -.007 instead of -.01. Flew up to 12km and confirmed it worked flawlessly.

I'm not 100% sure on what to do with the fuel tanks. Some sources say there were 2 in the center fuselage, some say one for each engine. So I'm leaving the location and number of fuel tanks alone, and just changing their capacity. I set the capacity to 3070 apiece. I also changed the needle animation for both tanks as follows:
      <entry><ind>    0  </ind><dep>  0 </dep></entry>
      <entry><ind> 125.1 </ind><dep> 22 </dep></entry>
      <entry><ind> 255.9 </ind><dep> 45 </dep></entry>
      <entry><ind> 483.3 </ind><dep> 85 </dep></entry>
      <entry><ind> 511.7 </ind><dep> 90 </dep></entry>

Works great. No complaints now, other than the nitro thing. But meh. I'm not going to get to involved in this, just fixing the bugs and making the aircraft usable. All I need is a couple post-it notes, and write out a quick km -> feet -> knots conversion chart to successfully use all the metric  stuff. =]

Leg 6 shall be flown soon. CYZF Yellowknife to CYPC Paulatuk.

Fixed it so there are now 3 fuel tanks, in appropriate locations (the tanks in the original model were in the wings, whereas the actual plane had the one tank behind each engine) with appropriate sizes, and added a third guage.  Putting the large tanks farther out on the wings made banking feel a tad more sluggish, but that's not much of a complaint. It still banks very quickly. The one thing I wasn't able to do was make it so there's one tank per engine. Not sure if this is possible in YASim?

Also, updated some textures, etc. Pretty happy with the result.

Here's before:

Here's after:

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